Happy New Year.
I started to gather miscellaneous items for my Best of 2022, but in the end I didn’t pull it together. I have been sad. Not so depressed as just sad.
In our immediate realm our neighborhood, Lake Merritt/Adams Point, has experienced more crime this year. We still go outside to walk around the lake and occasionally to the post office or neighborhood bakery, but COVID brought us a pattern of staying in. I am not complaining about that. We have a lot of light, views, hot water, security, and a parking space! But the gap between those with some income and those with none grows.
In the country it’s easy to call out all kinds of misbehavior. But again, close to home, the attack on Paul Pelosi, Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband, was awful and I think is linked to the hateful climate that Trump promoted. Of course I have not always agreed with Nancy Pelosi but, she has done her best to keep the liberal agenda alive in the throes of racism and growing facism. I feel for her and her family.
And in the world, Putin’s attack on Ukraine is another example of fascist genocide. Of course there are other brutalities, but this seems one of the closest parallels to Hitler in my lifetime. Interestingly, Zelinsky has focused not so much on Putin as an evil individual, but on the evil of the action. No man or woman would want to be in Zelinsky’s position but he has shown the rest of the world what courage means. He does not want glory; he wants to defeat fascism and promote democracy.
In each of these events hope can be found. In the new year we have to look harder for it.
OK, a few best of…
Best BLT
With Avocado at Zut!
Ate it twice this year with my walking pal Nancy Gonchar. The sandwich reminds me of my dear friend, the late John van Duyl. He loved them so.

With Nancy at Zut!
Best Art Show
Alex Katz at the Guggenheim.
Although his work became popular through photography the camera doesn’t really show it well.
I also got to see it with my long time friend (and painter) Kristina Hagman.

Classic Katz

Joe Brainard at Alex Katz

Hard to tell the paintings from the people.

With Kristina on the High Line.
Best Theater
The Minutes by Tracy Letts
Starring the wonderful Noah Reid (and Tracy Letts himself!).
Got to see it with another good pal, Tim Ceci!

Tim and me at The Whitney.
So the best things are shared with friends!