
LACMA is beloved. Its design never was.

Pereira's LACMA was never great but when the water features went away and the HHP addition was attached it lost what glamour it had. Mies would have given LA something that had nothing to do with LA. Pereira gave it an aspirational building, a little tacky but kind of fun, like a movie set. Although I am no big fan of Koolhaas, his solution from 2001 would have solved the problem of too many cooks. I love Peter Zumthor, but like Mies he does not understand Los Angeles. It's about
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The Contract Multivitamin: Joe Lawton of Valerio Dewalt Train

A dose of Joe Lawton's design musings in his own words.
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Commentary: Past pandemics changed the design of cities. Six ways COVID-19 could do the same

Pal Sam Lubell on what might happen next.
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Artists Are Hunkered Down, but Still Nurturing Their Inner Visions

Artists and architects may be sheltering at home, but their creativity still flows — and the results surprise even them. Here’s what 10 famous makers are looking at, reading, and sketching now.
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Classic Skyscrapers Define New York. Take a Virtual Tour.

The epitome of the ‘Mad Men’ era, the sleek midcentury buildings of Park Avenue glimmer. NYT's critic strolls with the architect Annabelle Selldorf.
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Is it Time to Redesign Earth Day?

Local writer Alison Arieff looks at Earth Day.
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Smart lifts, lonely workers, no towers or tourists: architecture after coronavirus

Is the open-plan office dead? Can skyscrapers survive? Will our phones control everything from the lights to ordering coffee? Meet the architects already shaping the post-Covid-19 world.
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Studio O+A Revamps McDonald’s Chicago-Area Research Compound

Bold graphics impose a fun aesthetic on the lab, where the fast-food giant tests its equipment innovations.
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The Reality of Design Fiction: How Storytelling Can Save the World

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On Listening To A Pandemic

Thank you writing about Sally. She was important to all of us.
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Inside the HQ of London designer Ilse Crawford.

One of my favorite photographers visits one of my favorite designers.
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Remembering William Menking (1947-2020)

The memorial page for Bill Menking in The Architect's Newspaper
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Obituary: William Menking, 1947-2020

My kind of guy.
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Shigeru Ban

Rather than going from one high-profile commission to the next, the architect has an alternative focus: designing shelters for the displaced.
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Industry Leaders Discuss the Future of the Workplace and Wellness, Post-Pandemic

Pal Primo Orpilla talking with Avinash Rajagopal at Metropolis about wellness and the workplace.
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Documenting Crossroads: The Coronavirus In Poor, Minority Communities

Camilo José Vergara and Chrysanthe Broikos document life in Oakland and Richmond, CA; Newark, NJ; Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx, NY.
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The Magic of Empty Streets

Local writer Allison Arieff in the NY Times.
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Cooper Union Exhibition Highlights the Work of Costantino Nivola

Cathleen McGuigan writes about a favorite sculptor.
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Moss, Mayne, Holl, and more remember the late Michael Sorkin

This has been one of the strangest weeks of my life. Michael Sorkin was a guiding light of the architecture profession. Many of this week's stories are about him.
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MASS Design Group Asks: “What is the Role of Architecture in Fighting a Pandemic?”

The Boston- and Kigali, Rwanda-based practice is launching a response to the spread of COVID-19, and making available information and best practices developed over a decade of designing to minimize the spread of infection.
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How to Deliver Thousands of COVID-19 Rooms in Weeks

New York City.
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Sorkin Spoke Truth to Power

Let Michael Sorkin’s unflinching advocacy of the commonweal serve as an inspiration to the architecture profession, as we fight the coronavirus and look toward a better future.
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The barefoot architect: ‘I was a starchitect for 36 years. Now I’m atoning’

Pakistan’s first female architect looks back on an extraordinary life.
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Obituary: Michael McKinnell, 1935-2020

Michael McKinnell.
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American architects mobilise to make coronavirus face shields for hospital workers

Good news from the design world.
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Michael Sorkin, 71, Dies; Saw Architecture as a Vehicle for Change

Mr. Sorkin, who died of the coronavirus, promoted social justice in his prodigious output of essays, lectures and designs.
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