James Arthur Baldwin (1924 – 1987)
American novelist, playwright, essayist, poet, and activist. He was prescient.
Charles Ludlam (1943-1987)
For being courageous and out when it wasn't easy. For trying to find the depths of comedy.
Joan Didion (b.1934)
Against all odds she keeps writing.
Dominique (1908 – 1997) and John de Menil (1904 – 1973)
She tried to find the connections linking art and the divine.
Elaine Kollins Sewell Jones (1917-2010)
For seeing something I didn't see.
David Hockney (b.1937)
For sticking to his own vision and getting the world to see Los Angeles anew.
Robert Irwin (b. 1928)
Look again.
Dalai Lama (b.1950)
Still working on kindness as my religion.
Mark Rothko (1903–1970)
All these years later the paintings still move me deeply.
Alexander Girard (1907–1993)
For keeping childlike wonder alive forever.
Maira Kalman (b. 1949)
Artist Maira Kalman reminds all of us to look and listen more carefully.
Charles Eames (1907-1978) and Ray Eames (1912-1988)
The Eameses combined modernism and humanism. They celebrated the individual within mass society through film and all facets of design. Deep down they understood that love and hard work are the foundation of good design.
Joan Baez (b. 1941)
I have been listening to her for most of my life. Her voice changes, but her values don't.
Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986)
In high school, his novel, “A Meeting by the River reached out and told me it was fine to be gay and in search of something larger. Over the years his many writings have reminded me there are several ways to turn one moment into many different stories.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
He reminds us that the impossible is possible. Still. And we continue to fight racism, poverty, and militarization.
Louis Kahn (1901-1974)
Louis Kahn was the 20th century architect who explored through the built environment several meanings of the word secular until it almost touched the sacred.
Dorothy Day (1897-1980)
She wouldn't want to be canonized. That goes against everything she stood for. She felt faith and radical social change were linked and devoted much of her life to the poor and disenfranchised.
Richard Blanco (b. 1968)
The gay Cuban-American poet read his poem “One Today” at the last inauguration and moved the country. He writes clear and accessible poetry that is both personal and universal.
Eero Saarinen (1910–1961)
One of my favorite designers and inspirations.
Cesar Chavez (1927-1993)
Chavez made the invisible worker visible. A lesson we need to learn again and again.
Angela Davis (b. 1944)
UCLA is standing behind its decision to honor Davis in the school’s “We, the Optimists” campaign.
Spalding Gray (1941-2004)
The narrative can consume you.